Crown of Times

The Crown of Times is a performance that critically examines the wounded history of Black Hair

Culture over five decades and the influences of American politics, music, and fashion on

shaping that culture while exploring Black women's deep, complex, and emotional relationship

with their hair. It's a necessary conversation with The United States legally negotiating the

ideals of good and bad hair with the Crown Act. The Policing of Black hair is dehumanizing.

This performance is a self-reflective love note that addresses the social constructs that tell all

women, especially Black women, they are not good enough. This production redefines Black

hair by repositioning it as a Crown. The performance is written and directed by Yvette Modestin

(activist, poet, and painter) and Michele Avery (Network writer/producer).

This production is

made possible by Live Arts Boston and the Museum of Science.